
Press Releases

Kent County, MI Seeks Innovative Waste Conversion Project for Its Sustainable Business Park

RFP issued internationally to help identify an anchor tenant at its Sustainable Business Park in West Michigan and to help the region meet its landfill diversion goals.


Two GBB Consultants Achieve Zero Waste Certifications

Corinne RicoJennifer PorterAs part of GBB’s commitment to environmental sustainability, responsible solid waste management and ongoing professional development for team members, Jennifer Porter (GBB Vice President) and Corinne Rico (GBB Project Manager) have been certified, respectively, as Practitioner in Zero Waste Principles and Practices and TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Advisor.


SWANA Recognizes Harvey Gershman with 2019 Lawrence Lecture Award

On October 23, 2019, the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) issued a press release announcing that Harvey Gershman, GBB Founder Owner Associate and Co-Founder, had been presented with the 2019 Lawrence Lecture Award. See the SWANA press release

Lawrence Lecturer: Gershman and Biderman
Harvey Gershman with David Biderman, SWANA’s Executive Director and CEO.


Two Young Professionals Join GBB: Eric Garvey as Project Engineer I and Ricky Phillips as an Intern

Ricky PhillipsEric GarveyAn important part of GBB’s corporate culture is to offer opportunities to the next generation of individuals with a passion for sustainable development & the environment.


Partial End of GBB’s Guam Solid Waste Management Receivership

GBB’s 11-year federal receivership over Guam’s solid waste and disposal services has partially ended per a court order issued by the U.S. District Court of Guam. Having achieved a complete 180-degree turnaround of the island’s solid waste system, GBB will continue its technical work to complete the post-closure plan for the Ordot Dump.


City of Taunton to Develop Plans for Solid Waste Management

Following a strategic review of the City of Taunton, MA’s solid waste management services, contracts, and service providers, GBB is now assisting the City by advising on procurement and negotiations of services.


Harvey Gershman to Become GBB Founder Owner Associate and Steve Simmons Named GBB President

Steve Simmons - Harvey GershmanGBB is proud to congratulate Harvey Gershman and Steve Simmons on their new roles at the company, effective January 1, 2019.


Solid Waste Industry Veteran Robin Davidov Joins GBB as Principal Associate

Robin DavidovA recognized industry leader, she has over 37 years of experience in sustainable waste management, renewable energy, recycling and organic waste.


Ashlea Smith Joins GBB as Marketing Coordinator

Ashlea SmithWith marketing, proposal, and project coordination experience in industries that include recycling, waste management, and energy efficiency, she will be a key member of GBB’s marketing team.


GBB Assisting Kent County, MI with Request for Information for Innovative Sustainable Business Park

Kent County, MI has issued a RFI for potential future tenants and complementary technologies for the Sustainable Business Park planned on 200 acres to identify companies that want to be part of the Park.