Press Releases
Harvey Gershman Receives SWANA’s 2013 Robert L. Lawrence Distinguished Service Award
Harvey Gershman, President and Co-Founder of GBB, was presented with the 2013 Lawrence Award, one of the highest honors in the solid waste industry, for his significant contribution to the solid waste management profession.
GBB Wins Thoth Award from Public Relations Society of America
GBB received a Thoth Award from the Public Relations Society of America – National Capital Chapter for its latest corporate brochure.
GBB Assists City of Iowa City with RFP for Alternative Solid Waste Facility
July 11, 2013 – With the assistance of GBB, the City of Iowa City plans to release a Request for Proposal (RFP) on or about July 15, 2013, for an alternative solid waste facility operating in partnership with the current City-operated landfill, which has historically received about 100,000 tons of solid waste per year.
READ MORE »GBB to Assist City of Houston with Ambitious “One Bin for All” Initiative
June 27, 2013 – GBB has been selected by the GeoTechnical Research Institute (GTRI), under the auspices of the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC), to provide consulting assistance to the City of Houston, TX for its “One Bin for All” initiative, utilizing mechanical biological treatment with advanced resource recovery processing for residential municipal solid waste.
READ MORE »GBB to Assist in Evaluating Development Options for the Cleveland Recycling and Energy Generation Center Project
February 21, 2013 – GBB is continuing its evaluation of development options for the Cleveland Recycling and Energy Generation (CREG) Center project. The City of Cleveland hired GBB to review options for the CREG Center project which seeks to better manage the City’s municipal solid waste, with the potential for using waste as a source for locally-produced energy.
READ MORE »Stephen Simmons Joins GBB as Principal Associate
December 6, 2012 – GBB is pleased to announce that Stephen Simmons has joined the firm as Principal Associate. Mr. Simmons has over 30 years of experience with leading companies in the solid waste management and renewable energy fields, and brings a broad range of skills and expertise to GBB clients, including: project and construction management; technology assessment and selection; waste shed and energy market evaluation, sales, and contract negotiation; facility due diligence and acquisition management; environmental assessment and permit management; and budgeting and cost control.
READ MORE »GBB Vice President Thomas P. Reardon Elected Vice Director of SWANA’s Waste-to-Energy Technical Division
September 28, 2012 – GBB is pleased to report that the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) announced the election of Thomas P. Reardon, GBB Vice President, as Vice Director of its Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Technical Division.
READ MORE »Kate Vasquez Joins GBB as Senior Consultant
August 31, 2012 – GBB is pleased to announce that Kate S. Vasquez has joined the firm as a Senior Consultant. Prior to joining GBB, Vasquez spent over 10 years in the public sector with a focus on recycling, solid waste reduction, and solid waste management, gaining valuable expertise in strategic planning, regulatory implementation, events planning, and public relations.
READ MORE »GBB Sponsors Capitol Steps Performance at WASTECON’s Networking Event
June 11, 2012 – GBB announced today its sponsorship of a special performance by the Capitol Steps, an American musical political satire group, during WASTECON’s networking event taking place Wednesday, August 15, 2012, from 6 to 9 p.m., in Washington, DC. Organized by the Virginia ‘Old Dominion’ and Mid-Atlantic Chapters of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA,) the event will celebrate SWANA’s 50th Anniversary with a night filled with food, laughs, music and entertainment. Joining GBB as co-sponsors are RRT Design & Construction and Renewable Energy from Waste, a new publication from the Recycling Today Media Group.
READ MORE »Madera County, CA, Selects GBB for Solid Waste System Review and Procurement
April 10, 2012 – GBB announced today that it has been selected by Madera County, CA, to perform a third-party review of the County’s solid waste system, provide recommendations for improvements, and assist with a procurement process, including developing Request for Proposal (RFP) document(s), evaluating proposals, and assisting with negotiations.