In the News
2020: The Year We Redid the “Re”
There are a lot of “re” words in the solid waste management industry: reduce, reuse, recycle, renew, recover, etc. With COVID-19, as Kate Vasquez discusses in Waste Today, a lot of other “re” words are used on a daily basis, including “resilience” which is about flexibility, adaptability, and, often, even complete transformation.
Solid Waste in the Age of Resilience
Per Jennifer Porter, in Waste Today, climate change is a chronic stress and a pandemic is an acute shock in resilience theory. Both give us an opportunity to assess and redesign plans/procedures and she challenges the industry to dare to make our solid waste systems more sustainable and resilient.
Conversion Technologies and the Needs of Front-end Processing Systems
In Waste Today, Senior Project Engineer Brad Kelley, who has worked on the concept and design of a multitude of processing systems, talks about how advancements in processing technology and equipment have the capacity to revolutionize the capabilities of many conversion technologies.
Harvey Gershman Honored with MSW Legacy Award
As it commemorates its 30-year anniversary, MSW Management magazine honors 30 professionals who have made significant contribution to the advancement of the solid waste management industry during the past 30 years with MSW Legacy Awards. Congratulations to Harvey Gershman, GBB Founder Owner Associate & Co-Founder, who was presented with the award!
Steve Simmons Interviewed on Industry’s Resiliency During Pandemic
In Waste Dive’s in-depth article on the coronavirus-induced economic disruption, the waste and recycling industry’s adaptability, flexibility and resiliency are cited by GBB President Steve Simmons and other professionals as the driving force in keeping operations going. What’s ahead and how the pandemic will likely reshape the industry are also discussed.
Updates on PFAS Legislation
PFAS need to be addressed by pushing for proper management both before and after the point of disposal, and remain top of mind for legislators as well as the solid waste management industry as a whole. In Waste Today, Chris Lund, P.E., provides a digest of actions and initiatives currently ongoing and upcoming on the federal level and in FL, GA, SC, NC and VA.
What is the cost of zero waste to landfill infrastructure?
In Waste Today, Steve Simmons & Paige Davis discuss the cost of zero waste to landfill infrastructure and outline the investment needed for the nation to pursue a goal of diverting 90% of the solid waste currently going to landfill, using mechanical biological treatment technology.
The Importance of Materials Recovery Coordination in Construction & Demolition
With her interesting multifaceted background as a solid waste management consultant with a sustainable development focus, after beginning her career in the architecture and design industry, Corinne Rico discusses how the way the industry looks at building and demolition needs to be reexamined, in her Construction & Demolition Recycling magazine and Waste Today feature.
Brad Kelley Interviewed on Municipal Recycling Challenges
GBB Senior Project Engineer Brad Kelley is interviewed in a Waste Today feature on how some municipalities respond to the challenges associated with recycling by scaling back acceptable recyclables, while some states invest in end market development for recyclables. A new set of guidelines for municipal recycling program that the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority, PA, implemented is discussed, along with how he led a team to evaluate the results. He also offers his take on how new industry standards are being set to lower contamination.
A Conversation with Jennifer Porter
Listen to this 30-minute interview with Megan Smalley, from Recycling Today, where GBB VP Jennifer Porter talks about her passion for sustainability, her career path, some key projects she is working on, and waste and recycling industry trends to watch for: