
In the News

Steve Simmons Interviewed About Aviation Fuel from Waste

Steve SimmonsThere are the multiple projects underway to create sustainable aviation fuel from waste but will they be scalable and viable for the Circular Economy? GBB President Steve Simmons is among the industry experts interviewed as part of a insightful feature on the subject in a Waste Dive deep dive feature.


Chris Lund Interviewed About the EPA’s New PFAS Strategic Roadmap

Chris LundIn October 2021, the EPA unveiled its PFAS Strategic Roadmap aimed toward increasing investments in research and accelerating the cleanup of PFAS contamination. Interviewed by Waste Today, GBB Senior VP Chris Lund, P.E. outlines how the new strategy will affect the solid waste industry.


The Next Phase in the Climate Change Fight

Wyatt WilliamsIn his column in Waste Today Magazine, Wyatt Williams talks about GBB’s sustainable materials management hierarchy as part of the discussion on the need to minimize the use of landfills in favor of resource recovery facilities with a lower climate impact. 


Airports Face Holiday Travel Rush and Resulting Waste

Morgan TurnerManaging the waste generated at an airport is both a major challenge and an opportunity. In Waste Today Magazine, Morgan Turner discusses how travelers can play an important role in supporting airports’ waste diversion efforts.


A Need for Solid Waste Planners

Ashlea SmithThere is a need for qualified solid waste planners. There is also a solution to expand the pool of skilled solid waste management professionals. In Waste Today Magazine, Ashlea Smith discusses the importance to address this need and how to do so.


Innovations and Technologies to Better Characterize Organics

Brad KelleyChris LundDue to their low cost and high volumes, non-food biomass resources represent an attractive option for the development of technologies producing cost-competitive advanced biofuels. In Waste Today Magazine, Chris Lund and Brad Kelley discuss waste characterization innovations to close the knowledge gap behind the lack of implementation of technologies to fully use that valuable feedstock.


Online Surveys Tips for the Solid Waste Industry

Ashlea SmithOnline surveys are great outreach tools to get feedback on solid waste management issues and to measure the success of, and interest in, programs and services. In Waste Today Magazine, Ashlea Smith (GBB Marketing Manager and Consultant II) gives some interesting tips to conduct a successful and meaningful survey.


New Baltimore County Solid Waste Work Group Report

In the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority’s WasteWatch newsletter, a feature on the new Baltimore County Solid Waste Work Group report completed by a GBB-led team provides info about the process, stakeholders involved, and recommendations.


Furthering Equity and Justice in the Solid Waste Sector

In Waste Today, Jennifer Porter (GBB Vice President), Eugenia Manwelyan (GBB Senior Consultant) and Page Davis (GBB Consultant I) reflect on a recent Executive Order and provide three tactics to consider regarding how to continue the push toward greater equity and inclusion.


Doughnut Economics – A Fresh-Baked Perspective

Corinne RicoDoughnut Economics is a relatively new model where the goal of economic activity is about meeting the core needs of all but within the means of the planet. In  Waste Today, Corinne Rico (GBB Senior Project Manager) provides an overview of the model and opines on its worthiness.