
The GBB Circular

A Need for Solid Waste Planners

A need for solid waste planners

There is a need – both in the public and private sector — for qualified solid waste planners. There is also a solution to expand the pool of qualified solid waste management professionals. In Waste Today Magazine, Ashlea Smith (GBB Marketing Manager and Consultant II) discusses the importance to address this need and how to do so.


Innovations and Technologies to Better Characterize Organics

Characterizing Organics

Due to their low cost and high volumes, non-food biomass resources represent an attractive option for the development of technologies producing cost-competitive advanced biofuels. In Waste Today Magazine, Chris Lund and Brad Kelley discuss waste characterization innovations to close the knowledge gap behind the lack of implementation of technologies to fully use that valuable feedstock.


Questions that Mark Us: Re-emphasizing a Stronger Vision for Equity and Inclusion at GBB

Like many companies that made corporate solidarity statements last year, GBB is re-emphasizing its commitment to uphold the laws of this nation and our responsibilities and values in writing.


Online Surveys Tips for the Solid Waste Industry

Online Surveys Tips for the Solid Waste Industry

Online surveys are great outreach tools to get feedback on solid waste management issues and to measure the success of, and interest in, programs and services. In Waste Today Magazine, Ashlea Smith (GBB Marketing Manager and Consultant II) gives some interesting tips to conduct a successful and meaningful survey.


Furthering Equity and Justice in the Solid Waste Sector

Furthering Equity and Justice in the Solid Waste Sector

Jennifer Porter (GBB Vice President), Eugenia Manwelyan (GBB Senior Consultant) and Page Davis (GBB Consultant I) reflect on a recent Executive Order and provide three tactics to consider regarding how to continue the push toward greater equity and inclusion.


A Welcome Letter to the Next Administration

A Welcome Letter to the Next Administration

As a new administration readies to enter the White House, GBB’s Corinne Rico, Ricky Phillips & Ashlea Smith urge the federal government to join our nation’s solid waste and environmental professionals to inspire the country’s fight against climate change and promote equitable communities and a resilient economy.


Greener Groceries: Solution or Pollution?

Greener groceries: Solution or pollution?

Going green can have unintended consequences sometimes. In Waste Today, GBB Consultant I Ricky Phillips discusses food delivery services that serve a good purpose, but not without putting a material burden on clients. Food for thought!


Waste Industry’s Impact on Climate Change

Solid Waste Management

The industry accounted for just 2% of the GHG emissions in the U.S. in 2018. But it only includes emissions from landfills, wastewater treatment, and composting. Corinne Rico paints a more complete picture and suggests a full-cost accounting approach to capture the true impact of the industry on climate change.


2020: The Year We Redid the “Re”

2020: The Year We Redid the “Re”

There are a lot of “re” words in the solid waste management industry: reduce, reuse, recycle, renew, recover, etc. With COVID-19, as Kate Vasquez discusses in Waste Today, a lot of other “re” words are used on a daily basis, including “resilience” which is about flexibility, adaptability, and, often, even complete transformation.


Solid Waste in the Age of Resilience

Solid Waste in the Age of Resilience

Per Jennifer Porter, climate change is a chronic stress and a pandemic is an acute shock in resilience theory. Both give us an opportunity to assess and redesign plans/procedures and she challenges the industry to dare to make our solid waste systems more sustainable and resilient.