
Construction Monitoring / Oversight – New Facilities (Guam Receivership)

As Receiver of the Territory of Guam’s Solid Waste Management Division, GBB assembled a multi-disciplinary team to review, analyze and assess the status of solid waste management on the island; identify solutions and evaluate their feasibility; develop/implement a turnaround plan; and present to the Court a roadmap to accomplish the Consent Decree projects and reform Guam’s solid waste management system.

As part of the long-term assignment, the GBB Project Team performed the day-to-day project engineering, planning, and construction management/monitoring for facilities that included:

  • Landfill closure construction
  • New state-of-the-art landfill
  • Building a new household hazardous waste facility
  • Renovation and new construction of four transfer station facilities

Residential Transfer Station - Guam

New household hazardous waste / transfer station facility

Layon landfill

New state-of-the-art Layon landfill.