
Category Archives: In the News

Markets and Marketability – Overcoming the barriers to accessing recycling markets

The future of recycling is dependent upon local market development and cleaning up our recycling streams. In the March/April issue of MSW Management, Brad Kelley, Corinne Rico and Ashlea Smith discuss some of the barriers to markets and marketability.

Circular Economy – Creating an Industrial Ecosystem

In a feature published in MSW Management, Kristen Wieland (Kent County, Dept. of Public Works, Marketing & Communications Manager), Steve Simmons (GBB President), and Jennifer Porter (GBB Senior Project Manager) tell the story of how Kent County, MI, is planning for a circular economy future.

Brad Kelley Interviewed About the Use of Technology/Big Data to Improve Efficiencies

Brad KelleyBrad Kelley, GBB Senior Project Engineer, is interviewed in a Waste360 feature on the industry’s use of technology and big data analytics to keep fleets and landfill equipment up and running at optimal performance levels. With extensive experience identifying technologies that can be utilized by processing facilities to improve efficiency and record more data from the machines, he discusses how predictive maintenance will begin to overtake preventive maintenance in the processing industry as technology improves and becomes more widely-used.

Waste Today Executive Q&A: GBB President Steve Simmons

Steve SimmonsThe December issue of Waste Today features an interview with Steve Simmons who became GBB President on January 1, 2019. Harvey Gershman, who has been President since co-founding the firm in 1980, transitioned to GBB Founder Owner Associate.

RFP Issued for Independent Engineer Services for Post Closure Care at Ordot Closure Facility in Guam

Guam Solid Waste AuthorityGBB, in its capacity as Receiver for the Guam Solid Waste Authority, is soliciting Proposals from Independent Engineer consultants to support the Trustee in its oversight of the Post Closure Care of the Ordot Dump Closure Facility.

Chris Lund Interviewed about Landfill Technologies in Waste360

Chris LundGBB Senior Vice President Chris Lund, P.E., was interviewed in Waste360 about how the Internet of Things (IoT), remote monitoring and control technologies can be leveraged to make landfill operations more efficient.

Harvey Gershman Interview – I am SWANA News

Harvey Gershman is interviewed in I am SWANA News discussing what to expect from China’s National Sword and its implications for waste-to-energy.

Brad Kelley Interviewed about C&D Recycling Programs in Waste Today

Fauquier County C&DGBB Sr. Project Engineer Brad Kelley is interviewed as part of an article on C&D recycling in Waste Today magazine. The C&D debris processing system in Fauquier County, VA, that GBB helped design, procure and start up, is discussed at length.

Jennifer Porter interviewed about commercial waste collection in Waste Today

Interviewed as part of a main Waste Today magazine feature on commercial waste collection franchising, GBB Senior Project Manager Jennifer Porter highlights 8 factors that contribute to a community’s ease of transition from an open collection to a franchise system.

Assisting with Hurricane Recovery

Red CrossIn recognition of the immense damage brought by hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria to our southern states, especially Florida and Texas, and to Puerto Rico, GBB has donated $1,000 to the Red Cross for the relief and recovery efforts. We encourage those who can to also contribute and donate.