
Category Archives: In the News

Harvey Gershman Presented with SWANA’s Lawrence Lecturer Award

The Solid Waste Association of North America awarded Harvey Gershman, GBB Founder Owner Associate and Co-Founder, the prestigious 2019 Lawrence Lecture Award at WASTECON.

See his complete insightful and inspiring keynote presentation in this 42-minute video:
Harvey Gershman - SWANA Lawrence Lecturer

Sustainable Future – Responsible Manufacturing

Corinne RicoAt the eve of the holiday season with the inevitable waste it generates, GBB Project Manager and sustainability expert Corinne Rico discusses — in her Waste Today column — producers and manufacturers’ responsibility; the power that consumers have; and the role of waste managers in the circular economy.

Guam’s Solid Waste Management System Featured in Article on Island Communities’ Recycling Challenges

Chris Lund is interviewed in a Waste Dive article featuring how GBB helped transform Guam’s waste management system into an economically sustainable model.

Steve Simmons and Corinne Rico Discuss Circular Economy at WASTECON

Waste Dive provides an in-depth review of two WASTECON sessions on the circular economy, moderated by GBB Project Manager Corinne Rico, where panelists shared economic, logistical and political advice.WASTECON - Circular Economy

Fixing Recycling!

GBB Senior Project Engineer Brad Kelley was among a group of panelists that discussed some major problems with municipal recycling and how these issues can best be addressed, at the 2019 Paper & Plastics Recycling Conference.GBB Senior Project Engineer Brad Kelley speaking at a Paper and Plastics Recycling Conference panel.

Steve Simmons Interviewed on Waste Gasification Technologies

In Chemical & Engineering News’ in-depth analysis of waste gasification technologies and projects, GBB President Steve Simmons provides his take on gasification being a viable alternative to landfilling.Steve Simmons

GBB Waste Outlook – October 2019 Issue

GBB Waste Outlook - October 2019The October 2019 issue of the GBB Waste Outlook newsletter is out, with recent news about the firm.

Back to Basics with Recycling Education

Ashlea SmithIn Waste Today, Ashlea Smith discusses how recycling education efforts need to be responsive to a variety of audiences and factor in how diverse subsets of the population consume information. Recyclers need to come to their audience in the places and ways that the message is most likely to be received. This means choosing the right forum and constructing the right message in the right language with the right context.

How Communities Can Use the Momentum from the Zero Waste Act to Advance Regional Compost Markets

Paige DavisIn July 2019, the Zero Waste Act was introduced to Congress. The proposed legislation would support, through grants funding, sustainable solid waste management in a way that could be leveraged by local governments. In her Waste Today column, Paige Davis (GBB Consultant I) discusses one way that municipalities could capitalize on this policy window, by creating comprehensive solid waste management plans that prioritize organics collection, processing and utilization by purchasers.

Steve Simmons on Solid Recovered Fuels

Steve SimmonsIn Waste360, GBB President Steve Simmons is interviewed — along with other industry experts — about renewable energy as part of a feature on solid recovered fuel, which is expected to replace up to 100% of fossil fuels to generate electricity or heat.