
Recycling Feasibility Study and Implementation Assistance (Prince William County, Virginia)

GBB assessed the feasibility of various recycling options and developed a conceptual plan for a County-wide recycling system.  The study was undertaken for a two-fold purpose; to anticipate the rapid growth in the County’s population and waste generation rates and to meet the State’s legislated recycling goals.

Among the tasks undertaken by GBB for this county of 240,000 residents were waste stream and recyclables generation rate analyses; evaluation of economic, societal, and government barriers and incentives to recycling; analysis of local and final markets and their capacity to accept County recyclables; evaluation of drop-off centers for recycling; recommendations concerning the viability of a County control materials recovery facility; analysis of commercial, institutional, and government recycling; analysis of the role of yard waste composting in meeting the State’s recycling goals; development of a public information and education program; and an implementation plan for the recycling program.

GBB recommended legislative ordinances such as mandatory curbside collection, mandatory yard waste separation, and mandatory commercial recycling.  GBB also recommended a comprehensive set of activities phased in over a 3-year program to enable the County to reach the 25 percent recycling goal. Capital budget needs for these recycling system elements were also provided.

GBB has also provided assistance for the County in implementation activities that began immediately after the conclusion of the development of the Study.  Assignments included negotiation assistance with the private hauler for the pilot curbside project in a 3,100 household community, participation in meetings with private haulers and development of consensus for preferred approaches for recyclables and yard waste collection, development of specifications for tin aluminum can separation and crushing equipment, and evaluation of proposals, and execution of several public education and information materials on a fast-track basis.