We're Moving!
GBB Headquarters to New State-of-the-Art Offices

In a few weeks, GBB will be moving to new, state-of-the-art offices a few miles from the current headquarters in the Washington, DC-metropolitan area. The preparation for the move included cleaning up files, recycling about a half ton of paper, and donating 12 tubs of supplies to area schools.

Lori Scozzafava (right) with a local school representative picking up supplies.
You can still reach us at the same phone numbers and the new address will be:
Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. 2010 Corporate Ridge,
Suite 510
McLean, VA 22102
GBB Senior VP John Carlton to Southern California
As of the beginning of 2017, John Carlton, GBB Senior Vice President, is based out of Irvine, CA. John can still be reached at jcarlton@gbbinc.com and 908-319-5992.
Speaker's Corner
"Anaerobic Digestion to Manage Food Waste – Worth Considering?"

In November, GBB Vice President, Operations Officer, Lori Scozzafava was at the Municipal Waste Management Association Summit and led a session entitled "Beyond Composting: Treating Food Waste via Anaerobic Digestion (AD)."
An experienced senior level executive, Lori has over 25 years of solid waste management industry experience, including 15 years in high profile leadership roles with the Solid Waste Association of North America, the US Composting Council, and the Composting Council Research & Education Foundation where she helped influence regional and national policy in multiple environmental areas with expertise, passion and integrity.
As part of her presentation, an overview of the food-waste-to-AD landscape was provided, including a discussion of the key developers, what projects are in place or being developed, what is working, what are the key drivers to success, and what are the risks to consider.
Click here to view a PDF of the presentation >
Upcoming Events
GBB will be present at the following industry events. We look forward to seeing you there!
Waste Conversion Technologies 101 – Presented by SWANA’s Northern New England Chapter
Portland, ME
February 15, 2017
Lori Scozzafava and
Steve Simmons, Presenters
"Waste Conversion Technologies 101"
International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management
Philadelphia, PA
March 19-22, 2017
Steve Simmons, Speaker
"Public/Private Partnership for Organics Processing"
SWANA’s Southern New England Chapter Recycling & Solid Waste Conference
Framingham, MA
March 27, 2017
Harvey Gershman, Speaker
"Waste Conversion Technologies 101"
North Carolina SWANA Conference
Asheville, NC
April 4-6, 2017
North American Waste-to-Energy Conference
Minneapolis, MN
April 23-25, 2017
SWANA Virginia Conference
Virginia Beach, VA
April 26-28, 2017
South Carolina SWANA Spring Conference
Pawleys Island, SC
May 10-12, 2017
WASTECON / International Solid Waste Association’s World Congress
Baltimore, MD
September 25-27, 2017
GBB, Exhibiting
Visit the conference/ tradeshow section of our website for an updated list!
Social Media
We invite you to follow, and like, GBB on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to automatically get the latest news and info!

8550 Arlington Boulevard
Suite 304
Fairfax, VA 22031
New address
starting in a few weeks:
2010 Corporate Ridge
Suite 510
McLean, VA 22102
Fax: 703.698.1306
GBB Acquires Energy Facilities Group of RRC Power & Energy

(From left to right) Rob Dunnette, Matt Clark, and Steve Vrchota at GBB’s booth at the
Recycling Association of the Minnesota / Solid Waste Association of North America-Minnesota Chapter conference in early October in Bloomington, MN. |
In September 2016, GBB announced the acquisition of RRC Power & Energy, LLC’s Energy Facilities Group (EFG), a multi-disciplinary team that provides consulting and engineering services to waste facilities, district energy systems, and power generating plants nationwide. This team has executed many projects including plant modifications, as well as new facility design and construction. Their services include studies, facility audits/assessments, owners engineer services, project management, engineering design, construction support commissioning / acceptance testing, and operations monitoring. Joining GBB as part of this acquisition, and based in the Minneapolis – Saint Paul metropolitan area, are:
Matt Clark, P.E., (GBB Vice President) has over 30 years of experience that includes engineering management, project management, design, construction support and start-up monitoring for energy-from-waste, solid waste and power and energy projects. He has a broad range of experience in the power and energy arena starting as a boilermaker helper and culminating in his new role with GBB. Previously, he was Vice President and Engineering Director of RRC, responsible for the development of the EFG, and Vice President and Professional Associate at HDR Engineering.
Steve Vrchota, P.E., (GBB Senior Project Manager) has over 25 years of experience in the environmental and energy from waste industry that include leadership in the areas of management, engineering, project management, process management, construction, plant operations, boiler operations, and metals recovery. He has extensive experience working on projects in mixed waste processing, material recovery, and waste-to-energy from municipal solid waste. Prior to joining GBB, he was Manager of RRC’s EFG. He has worked as a boiler engineer, construction manager and operations manager at a mixed waste processing plant, and is certified in optical system design, operations and maintenance.
Rob Dunnette (GBB Principal Associate) has over 35 years of experience that includes power plant construction, start-up, operations, maintenance, regulatory compliance, safety, training, and administration at facilities firing conventional, nuclear, and alternative fuels. Prior to joining GBB, he was Senior Consultant for more than 5 years with RRC’s EFG. Prior to becoming a consultant, he worked more than 30 years for several power plants, gaining industry experience as he directed the management and operations of a number of facilities employing a wide variety of power production technologies utilizing many fuel types, including solid waste, coal, oil, gas, nuclear, and hydro.
Stephen Simmons Joins GBB Ownership Group; Promoted to Senior Vice President
Stephen Simmons is now part of GBB’s ownership group, joining President and co-founder Harvey Gershman, and Senior Vice Presidents Chris Lund, P.E., PSS, and John Carlton, P.E., BCEE. He has also been promoted to Senior Vice President.
"I’m proud to join GBB’s ownership group and to have this opportunity to further contribute and participate in shaping GBB’s future in my new role. It is very exciting to work closely with a team of passionate individuals and to have a direct positive impact on many communities and organizations by helping develop sustainable solutions for complex solid waste management issues."
Steve Simmons
"This is yet another important step for the future of GBB by further enhancing the ownership group with strong and capable individuals that have complementary expertise and backgrounds. Steve’s business development and management skills, along with the depth of his technology and renewable energy experience, make him a unique and valuable leader on client projects and a key member of the GBB’s senior management team."
Harvey Gershman
Employment Opportunities
Guam Solid Waste Authority
General Manager
The Guam Solid Waste Authority (GSWA) is searching for a qualified individual for the position of General Manager, a full-time position. GSWA currently has implemented curbside, single stream recycling collection, a household hazardous waste facility open five days a week, a new MSW landfill, three convenience centers that incorporate recycling, and bulky waste collection.
Salary is negotiable starting at $125,000 and will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.
For further information on the GSWA, the job overview, minimum requirements, and application process, please visit: www.guamsolidwasteauthority.com/jobs-general-manager.html
The Government of Guam is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Guam Solid Waste Authority
Chief Financial Officer
The Guam Solid Waste Authority (GSWA) is searching for a qualified individual for the position of Chief Financial Officer. The Chief Financial Officer will have oversight of the fiscal, business and accounting operations of the GSWA. Minimum qualifications include being a Certified Public Accountant; and having knowledge and experience in financial planning and strategy, managing profitability, strategic planning and vision, quality management, promoting process improvement, forecasting, developing budgets, financial skills and dealing with complexity.
Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications starting at $85,000 per annum.
For further details on the GSWA, the job overview, minimum requirements, and application process, please visit: www.guamsolidwasteauthority.com/jobs-cfo.html
The Government of Guam is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
City of Baton Rouge / Parish of East Baton Rouge, LA
Sanitation Manager
The City of Baton Rouge / Parish of East Baton Rouge, LA is searching for a qualified individual for the position of Sanitation Manager to perform highly responsible administrative work in managing the Sanitation Program under the direction of the Environmental Services Director. Work involves planning and directing waste reduction programs and collection/disposal of all residential, commercial, yard, and bulk waste for the City-Parish. Employee is responsible for overseeing contracts involving waste reduction and solid waste collection/disposal through private companies. Work is performed with broad discretion and considerable independence and is evaluated through conferences, reports, and results obtained. Performs other work as requested.
For further details, please visit: www.brgov.com/dept/hr/jobann.asp?GetType=C&GetTitle=28248 
Renewable Energy from Waste Magazine Expands Coverage as Waste Today
GBB Continues Cooperation Agreement with Magazine Initiated in 2012
In September, GIE Media Inc. announced the expansion of Renewable Energy from Waste (REW) magazine into a new comprehensive waste and environmental services publication, Waste Today, which debuts with the January/February 2017 issue. The magazine will be delivered in a print and digital platform, complemented by a dedicated website (www.WasteTodayMagazine.com), and a weekly e-newsletter.
GBB is proud to continue its partnership with REW Magazine, initiated in April 2012, with the new expanded Waste Today Magazine. The partnership includes co-organizing the annual Renewable Energy from Waste Conference, joining the publication’s Editorial Advisory Board and contributing a column to each print issue along with occasional articles.
The new Waste Today magazine will cover collection and transfer, organics, recycling, conversion technologies, waste-to-energy, landfill management, special and hazardous waste, markets and contracting, mergers and acquisitions and more — all aspects of the industry.
Efficiency of Current Collection System Confirmed in Midland, MI!
When it had to replace 4 collection trucks, the City of Midland, MI, decided to take a step back and have GBB review its collection services, evaluate whether it should contract refuse collection services to the private sector or continue with its in-house fleet, and provide recommendations in order to maximize and optimize services to residents.
The City was using dual stream, semi-automated front load refuse trucks, which allows drivers to collect both refuse and yard waste. After careful review, the GBB Project Team concluded that the current dual street collection system was highly efficient, and contracting out collection wouldn’t provide any savings while actually taking away some flexibility afforded by an in-house crew. A recommendation was made to convert to automated collection trucks from the semi-automated trucks currently in use.
Bottom line: GBB’s analysis confirmed that the City was doing a great job with an efficient system and avoided an unnecessary transition to contracted collection.
GBB Providing Training on Waste Conversion Technologies 101 in Portland, ME
February 15 Event Organized by SWANA’s Northern New England Chapter
The Northern New England Chapter of SWANA is organizing a training session on conversion technologies for Municipal Managers, Public Works Directors, Recycling Coordinators, Elected Officials, Transfer Station Managers, Consultants, and Engineers that will feature Lori Scozzafava (GBB Vice President, Operations Officer) and Steve Simmons (GBB Vice President) as presenters.
Ms. Scozzafava is an experienced senior level executive with over 25 years of solid waste management industry experience, including 15 years in high profile leadership roles with the Solid Waste Association of North America, the US Composting Council, and the Composting Council Research & Education Foundation, where she helped influence regional and national policy in multiple environmental areas with expertise, passion and integrity.
Mr. Simmons is a sustainable development business leader with more than 30 years of experience in the energy and environmental services sectors. He has extensive renewable energy experience, having managed the development, construction, and operation of power generation projects with capital budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. These facilities have produced millions of megawatt-hours of renewable energy, displacing millions of tons of fossil fuels.
The chapter, with members from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, hosts three technical conferences per year and one annual fall meeting, attracting speakers from across the country to discuss timely and upcoming issues.
Fill out the event registration form to reserve your space for the training session and visit the chapter’s website to learn more about its activities. 
Reading List
As thought leaders, GBB consultants regularly contribute articles to leading industry publications, sharing insight and information on important topics. Recently published articles include:
Guest Editorial: Waste Diversion—Do We Need Carrots or Sticks? Or Technology?
John Carlton, P.E., BCEE, GBB Senior Vice President
MSW Management Magazine - January 2017
Times are Changing for Renewable Energy from Waste
Harvey Gershman, GBB President
Renewable Energy from Waste - December 2016
The Measure of Success: How WTE Helps Communities Move Beyond Recycling Goals
John Carlton, P.E., BCEE, GBB Senior Vice President
Renewable Energy from Waste - October 2016
May They Rest in Peace
Harvey Gershman, GBB President
Renewable Energy from Waste - August 2016
Links to all recently published GBB articles are available on the website. |