JUNE 2015
GBB – A Passion for the Environment >
GBB Guam Receivership Likely to Continue Beyond 2015 >
Ron Pettit Joins GBB as Principal Associate with
Focus on Waste Collection Technology >
Chris Lund Promoted to GBB Senior Vice President >
Metro Nashville
District Energy System – Something to be Proud of! >
Upcoming Events >
Metro Nashville
District Energy System – Something to be
Proud of!

Harvey Gershman (right), founding Project Administrator for the Metro Nashville District Energy System (DES), shown here with Bob Lackey, Metro Nashville Finance Special Projects Manager for DES, during a recent visit to see the award-winning project.
More info:
DES project description
DES website
Upcoming Events
GBB will be present at the following industry events. We look forward to seeing you there!
Maryland Recycling Network & SWANA Mid-Atlantic Conference
Linthicum, MD
June 25-26, 2015
John Carlton, P.E., Moderator
Town Hall Discussion
John Carlton, P.E., Speaker
"Curbside Collection Strategies"
Bob Brickner, Speaker
"Mixed Waste Processing Facilities"
REW Summer School Webinar
July 16, 2015
Ljupka Arsova, Presenter
"Anaerobic Digestion Fundamentals"
Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania Recycling & Organics Conference
Harrisburg, PA
July 28-31, 2015
John Carlton, Speaker
"Game Changers? Leading Edge Trends in Handling/Processing"
REW Summer School Webinar
July 30, 2015
Ljupka Arsova, Presenter
"Feedstock and Technology Considerations for Wet Anaerobic Digestion"
REW Summer School Webinar
August 13, 2015
Ljupka Arsova, Presenter
"Feedstock and Technology Considerations for Dry Anaerobic Digestion"
Orlando, FL
August 25-27, 2015
GBB, Exhibitor (booth #1607)
Terry Schweitzer, Speaker
"Is The Time Right for Automated Collection In Your Community?"
Samantha Villegas, Speaker
"Public Outreach – It's More Science Than Art"
John Carlton, Speaker
"How Will the Diversion of Organics Impact Landfill Gas to Energy Projects"
REW Summer School Webinar
August 27, 2015
Ljupka Arsova, Presenter
"Putting Anaerobic Digestion to Work"
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Webinar
September 2, 2015
Terry Schweitzer, Presenter
"How our communities collect waste and recyclables"
International Solid Waste Association World Congress Antwerp, Belgium
September 7-9, 2015
Ljupka Arsova, Presenter
"Developing a "Results Oriented Tender" for a Waste-to-Energy Plant for the Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan"
Visit the conference/ tradeshow section of our website for an updated list!

8550 Arlington Boulevard
Suite 304
Fairfax, VA 22031
Fax: 703.698.1306
GBB – A Passion for the Environment
On August 11, 1980, Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. began operations as a solid waste management consulting firm with a passion for the environment and a desire to make a difference. Founders Harvey Gershman, Bob Brickner, and Tim Bratton believed that effective management of solid waste was an imperative that directly affected the health of our planet. In a world of limited resources, they regarded solid waste as a valuable resource that could be creatively managed while protecting our soil, air, water, and people. They considered sustainability to involve a balance among environmental, economic, and community needs. Achievement of this balance, along with cost-effective, efficient, and innovative solid waste solutions, was their passion and focus.
Thirty-five years later, this passion is still the driving force behind GBB, along with many award-winning facilities and services success stories, lessons learned, and great people met along the way.
GBB is celebrating 35 years of passion for the environment and, more importantly, 35 years of working with great employees, associates, clients, colleagues, and friends.
Thank you! 

Bob, Harvey, and Tim in 2006.
GBB Guam Receivership Likely to Continue Beyond 2015
In 2008, the Chief Judge of the United States District Court of Guam issued a court order appointing GBB as Receiver to achieve what the Government of Guam was unsuccessful in reaching during the previous 22 years – compliance with the Clean Water Act as set forth in a Consent Decree. What the Judge tasked GBB with, and what the Consent Decree requires, is a complete 180-degree turnaround of a dysfunctional solid waste management system while closing a dump that has been open for nearly 70 years.
The Consent Decree, signed by the Government of Guam and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) on February 11, 2004, required the Government of Guam to close the Ordot Dump, cease all discharges into the Lonfit River, open a new municipal solid waste landfill facility, and develop and implement a newhousehold hazardous waste program to ensure proper disposal of these materials on Guam.
To develop the turnaround plan, GBB assembled a multi-disciplinary team of solid waste, procurement, landfill engineering, finance, and communication experts who presented the Court with a roadmap for accomplishing the Consent Decree projects and reforming Guam's solid waste management system.
Since then, GBB, working with Government of Guam officials, military authorities, private waste haulers, and other stakeholders in Guam, has opened a new landfill and is on a path to comply with all of the terms of the Consent Decree in a cost-effective and expeditious manner. This has been accomplished under the supervision of the District Court of Guam and in consultation with the U.S. EPA and Guam EPA.
It now appears that GBB's work as Receiver will continue beyond December 2015 following a Court order, issued May 27, 2015, in which GBB was asked to submit a financing plan that includes a dedicated funding mechanism to secure monies necessary to implement several consent decree related projects that the Government of Guam has not financed and all post-closure care and monitoring actions of the Ordot Dump. This will require that the receivership continue beyond the end of 2015, the timeline previously envisioned by the District Court for bringing the receivership to a close.
A recent article in Waste Advantage Magazine by Chris Lund, P.E., PSS, GBB Senior Vice President, entitled "From 0 to 180: Transforming Guam's Solid Waste Management System from the Ground Up," highlights what has been accomplished, how it was achieved, and what is left to do because while a lot has been done to turn around operations, a lot of work remains to ensure that the new systems remain sustainable.
More info:
Ron Pettit Joins GBB as Principal Associate with Focus on Waste Collection Technology
Last fall, Ronald W. Pettit joined GBB as Principal Associate focusing on projects that integrate technology tools into collection service improvements, further enhancing the firm's consulting services to streamline, create operational efficiencies, and improve waste collection operations.
As part of his 30 years of software technology experience, he most recently spent 8 years in the waste industry as Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, and Vice President of Research & Development / Operations / Business Development at Routeware, a provider of operations efficiency technology to organizations with fleets of vehicles.
He collaborated with GBB as part of the multi-disciplinary team that successfully implemented a powerful multi-prong technology solution for the Lexington Fayette (Kentucky) Urban County Government's automated residential collection system. Through his leadership position at Routeware, he helped significantly improve collection operations at many customers nationwide, including municipal waste haulers as well as private haulers ranging in size from a half-dozen vehicles to large public companies.
"I see this relationship as a great opportunity to create synergies between GBB's extensive strategic solid waste management expertise and my ability to understand, select, and implement the proper technologies to maximize the efficiencies between the three most valuable resources of a waste collection operation: the drivers, routes, and vehicles."
Ron Pettit
More info:
Chris Lund Promoted to GBB Senior Vice President
Christopher A. Lund, PE, PSS, who joined GBB in 2008 as a Senior Project Engineer and was promoted to Vice President in 2009, has been promoted to the position of Senior Vice President.
In 2013, along with John Carlton, PE, BCEE, he joined GBB co-founders Harvey Gershman and Bob Brickner as part of the firm's ownership group.
Since joining the firm, Mr. Lund has been a key project team leader providing overall engineering and project management for GBB, which was appointed Receiver for the Guam Solid Waste Authority through a March 2008 Court Order issued by the United States District Court of Guam. 
More info: