Harvey Gershman Presented with SWANA’s Lawrence Lecturer Award >
City of Huntsville, AL Launches New and Efficient Curbside Recycling Program >
Taunton, MA Moving Towards Sustainable Solution Blending Environmental Responsibility and Economic Viability >
Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County Solid Waste Authority Measuring Impact of Recycling Policy Changes >
Sustainability and Circular Economy Summit Webcast >
Speaker's Corner >
Recent GBB Assignments >
Upcoming Events >
Social Media >
Sustainability and Circular Economy Summit Webcast

In mid-August, GBB Project Manager Corinne Rico attended the 2-day Sustainability and Circular Economy Summit, hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, in Washington, DC.
The agenda featured insights on how to form innovative cross-industry collaborations, execute on upcoming sustainability commitments, and anticipate and address the next frontier of sustainability issues.
For those who could not attend, a 3+ hour video of key presentations can be streamed online for free (scrolling down the middle of the page.)
Speaker's Corner
"Advancing a More Circular Economy and the Reinvention of the Waste-to-Energy Industry Through Sustainable Business Park Development"
Due to the impacts from China’s National Sword policy on the recyclables market, communities are looking for innovative and ambitious solutions geared towards alternative market options that fulfill their waste diversion objectives and develop local / domestic capacity for waste management. One powerful response is the advancement of a more circular economy – which contrasts with linear economy, based on a 'take, make, dispose' model of consumption - with the development of sustainable business parks.
In early June, Tom Reardon (GBB Senior Vice President) and Jennifer Porter (GBB Vice President) made a presentation on that topic at the Waste Conversion Technology Conference & Trade Show, in Atlantic City, NJ.
Click here to view a PDF of the presentation >
Recent GBB Assignments
In the past few months, GBB has been very busy. Below, we have included a sample of our new assignments.
Recycling Collection and Processing Review / Strategic Solid Waste Management Planning
Central Virginia Waste Management Authority, VA
Waste Characterization Study
Mecklenburg County, NC
Owner’s Representative Services for Mixed Waste Processing Facility Construction
Wasatch Integrated Waste Management Authority, UT
We very much appreciate the opportunity to assist these clients with their needs. If you have a similar project in mind, do not hesitate to call (703-573-5800) or email GBB Marketing Manager, Ashlea Smith.
Upcoming Events
GBB will be present at the following industry events. We look forward to seeing you there!
Plastics Recycling Conference & Trade Show
Nashville, TN
February 17-19, 2020
C&D World
Las Vegas, NV
March 11, 2020
Southeast Recycling Conference & Trade Show
Destin, FL
March 15-18, 2020
Atlanta, GA
March 23-26, 2020
Visit the Conference / Tradeshow section of our website for an updated list!
Social Media
We invite you to follow, and like, GBB on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to automatically get the latest news and info about the firm!

2010 Corporate Ridge
Suite 510
McLean, VA 22102
Harvey Gershman Presented with SWANA’s Lawrence Lecturer Award
The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) awarded Harvey Gershman, GBB Founder Owner Associate and Co-Founder, the prestigious 2019 Lawrence Lecture Award at WASTECON 2019, in Phoenix, AZ. The award is presented annually to an individual recognized as a leader and expert with a substantial, significant, and sustained contribution to the field of solid waste management / environmental protection.
As the 2019 Lawrence Lecture Award winner, Harvey was part of the line-up of keynote speakers at WASTECON as part of the Pathway to Innovation conference theme. He provided his firsthand take into the evolution of solid waste management since the ‘70s; lessons learned along the way; insight into key projects that have resulted in sustainable, efficient integrated waste management systems and accepted by their communities and leadership; and words of wisdom along with some interesting anecdotes based on his extensive industry experience!
See the 42-minute video of his keynote presentation:
In this 3-minute video, Harvey talks about his career, SWANA, and the Lawrence Lecture Award:
City of Huntsville, AL Launches New and Efficient Curbside Recycling Program
Early this past summer, the Recycling Alliance of North Alabama (RANA), a newly formed division of the Solid Waste Disposal Authority of the City of Huntsville (SWDA), launched a new free, opt-in curbside recycling program. As SWDA outgrew its previous recycling collection program, RANA was designed to be an ever-evolving program to fit the needs of residents and be more efficient, cost-effective and user-friendly.
Available to all residents of the City of Huntsville and Madison County, representing approximately 125,000 households ,the program’s most noticeable improvements are the expansion of recycling collection service to about 20,000 households previously unserved, and the replacement of 18-gallon bins with much larger 95-gallon rolling carts, allowing both less frequent servicing and automated collection, which is much less labor-intensive than the manual collection of the smaller bins.
GBB assisted SWDA’s decision-making process with the initial analysis of residential collection services and the development of strategies/options to improve the waste and recycling management infrastructure, leading to a new innovative once-a-month collection program. GBB was then tasked with leading the planning, procurement, stakeholders and community outreach, public education, and implementation assistance efforts, in partnership with McNeely Brockman Public Relations, to establish RANA and launch the new program.
Off to a Good Start
The new program has seen much success and participation over its first three months of operations. In June, residents were able to start registering for the program, and it had approximately 64,500 households participating in the first three months, up about 25,000 households from the previous program participation, with a set out rate over 80%.

(Image Source: Recycling Alliance of North Alabama) |
Taunton, MA Moving Towards Sustainable Solution Blending Environmental Responsibility and Economic Viability

GBB Vice President Jennifer Porter at September 10, 2019 Taunton City Council Meeting.
(Image Source: Taunton Municipal Network) |
With a landfill expected to cease operations in the spring of 2020, the City of Taunton, MA has been evaluating short- and long-term alternatives for the disposable of its residential waste and processing of recyclables with GBB’s guidance. In early 2019, GBB began a two-prong strategy: a procurement to engage a contractor for interim disposal/processing in the short-term, and another parallel procurement process for waste conversion or other technologies to provide a long-term, permanent sustainable solid waste management system.
At an early September meeting, after review, evaluation and financial analysis of multiple alternatives, the Council moved to advance the most cost‐effective and risk‐aversive option: negotiations with the contractor recommended by the evaluation committee, out of 4 proposals received, for the short-term solution covering 12,000 tons of MSW and 5,000 tons of recyclables annually.
The request for information/qualifications for innovative long-term solutions yielded 7 responses ranging from various technologies to long-haul transport and disposal. The GBB Project team is evaluating the responses and moving along the multi-step procurement process towards the selection and implementation of a sustainable solution that is both responsible environmentally and economically viable.
Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County Solid Waste Authority Measuring Impact of Recycling Policy Changes
In the summer of 2018, shortly after changing the requirements for curbside recycling to only allow the “big four” recyclables (flattened cardboard, plastic bottles and jugs with narrow neck openings, metal food and beverage cans, and glass jars and bottles) -- a major departure from the previous recycling requirements -- the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA) tasked GBB with performing an initial characterization study on the collected recycling stream. About a year later, this past August, GBB performed a nearly identical study to compare the results, help measure the effectiveness of the policy and education efforts and adjust – if necessary -- education programs and enforcement going forward.
The final statistical comparison analysis has not been finalized, but some initial observations from the waste sort are as follows:
- More than 70% of the Single Stream material from both sorts are part of the “Big 4” items.
- There does appear to be less newspaper and fiber than during the previous sort, meeting a LCSWMA goal to focus on the “Big 4”.
- Due to rains during the sort, some of the loads were wet, which degraded some of the cardboard. Ways to keep materials dry prior to delivery to the Transfer Station may need to be considered.
- Percentage of actual trash (food, textiles, etc.) was very similar to the previous sampling, although there were less diapers (from 6 pounds to 3 pounds of diapers)!
