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GBB Waste Outlook

Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc. - Solid Waste Management Consultants

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May 2009 - In This Issue

GBB Career Opportunities
GBB is seeking professionals with strong experience and a background in one of the following areas of specialization to meet the growing needs of its clients:
  • Technical Consultant
  • Senior Project Managers - Collection
  • Summer Internship in Solid Waste Management Consulting

This is a great opportunity to participate in GBB's growth and ownership.

Visit to learn more and to send your résumé in confidence.

Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/V

Chace Anderson
a Regular Contributor to
MSW Management

Collection TruckGBB Vice President Chace Anderson has been a regular contributor to MSW Management, the journal for municipal solid waste professionals, for the past few years. Mr. Anderson has over 20 years of experience in the solid waste management field and has been placed in positions of turning around broken systems. In Nashville, TN, he was hired to undertake the reorganization of a broken waste management system that included neglected landfill management, a poorly working Waste to Energy facility, and an operational force with low morale with little positive management. Currently he is the Receiver Operations Manager for the United States Territory of Guam, as the United States Federal District Court has appointed GBB as the Receiver of Guam's Solid Waste Management Division.

Some of his articles include the following, which are available via the Media and Publications subsection of GBB's website:

  • The Characteristics of Waste Studies
  • The World of Commercial and Institutional Collections
  • Have You Heard The Latest About Automated Collection
  • Retirement Tsunami
  • HHW Professionalism
  • Preventing a Nuisance

>> Chace Anderson's bio

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GBB will be present at the following industry events. We look forward to seeing you there!

SWANA's Landfill Planning & Management Symposium
Savannah, GA
June 1-4, 2009

John Roderique, Speaker
"Resurgence of WTE and Conversion Technologies."

"Planning for Greater Levels of Diversion Including Energy Recovery for the Mojave Desert and Mountain, California Region"

Las Vegas, NV
June 9-11, 2009

Harvey Gershman, Speaker
"Waste Conversion Technologies: Fact or Fiction"

Maryland Recycling Network & SWANA's Mid Atlantic Chapter Conference
College Park, MD
June 25-26, 2009

Frank Bernheisel &
Kevin Callen, Speaker
"Routing innovations in Baltimore City"

Biomass '09: Power, Fuels, and Chemicals Workshop
Grand Forks, ND
July 14-15, 2009

Harvey Gershman, Speaker

California Resource Recovery Association Conference
Rancho Mirage, CA
August 2-5, 2009

Long Beach, CA
September 22-24, 2009

Chace Anderson, Speaker
"Building a New Integrated Solid Waste Management System Under the Most Curious of Circumstances"

Visit the conference / tradeshow section of our Website for a continuously updated list of events!

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Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc.

Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc.
8550 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 304
Fairfax, VA  22031
Phone: 703.573.5800
Fax: 703.698.1306

For more info about GBB:

Blueprint for Greater Levels of Diversion, Including Energy Recovery 
GBB Assisting Mojave Desert & Mountain Joint Powers Authority with Strategic Planning

Employees sorting material
at Victor Valley MRF,
located in Victorville, CA.

The Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority is a California Joint Powers Authority (JPA), consisting of nine communities in the state's San Bernardino County high desert and mountain region. The JPA financed and manages the operations contract for the highly automated Victor Valley Material Recovery Facility (MRF). The MRF today receives and processes an average of 130 tons per day, five days per week, of single stream paper and containers and recyclable-rich commercial waste loads. The JPA has two strategies regarding process residue:

  • Reducing residue rates from existing deliveries to optimize MRF operations;

  • Increasing recovery for recycling by expanding the recyclable-rich and organics-dense waste load deliveries to the MRF and/or a composting facility.

In August 2008, the JPA contracted with GBB to prepare the Victor Valley Resource Management Strategy (Resource Management Strategy). Working with RRT Design and Construction, Inc., GBB prepared a coordinated forward-looking strategy to guide the JPA's future program and facilities decisions. The Resource Management Strategy focused on the Town of Apple Valley and the City of Victorville, the two largest JPA member communities with respective populations of 70,000 and 107,000, which have a combined total of more than 130,000 tons per year of material entering the JPA's recycling system and the Victorville Landfill.

The Resource Management Strategy is underpinned by a visual characterization of nearly 300 waste loads delivered to the Victorville Landfill in the fall of 2008. The waste characterization indicated that as much as 80% of loads of residential and commercial waste landfilled could be processed for recycling and composting in a combination of manual and automated sorting facility. Loads sufficiently dry and containing primarily non-bulky materials were judged eligible for processing and recovery.

Victor Valley MRF.

The Resource Management Strategy provided a conceptual design and cost that identified projected capital and operations costs that would be incurred to construct a new pre-processing system to separate out materials for recycling and composting from eligible loads. Based on the waste composition analysis, residue from a proposed system was estimated. This residue would be rich in combustible materials, sufficient to send to an energy recovery market.

Furthermore, the Resource Management Strategy sets the stage for JPA programs to address the December 2008 California Scoping Plan's mandates and priorities. The Scoping Plan, a roadmap for statewide greenhouse gas emission reduction efforts, specifically calls out mandatory commercial recycling, expanded organics composting, and inclusion of anaerobic digestion as renewable energy. The Resource Management Strategy assessed three cement manufacturers, located in the high desert region, for their potential to replace a portion of their coal fuel with residue from the MRF and potentially from other waste quantities generated in the region. Cement kilns are large consumers of fossil fuels, operate on a continuous basis, and collectively are California's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Further processing requirements were also identified for size reduction and screening to remove non-combustible materials and produce a feasible refuse derived fuel (RDF). A conceptual design system to process residue and supply RDF to a cement kiln was developed, as were estimated capital and operating costs to implement the RDF production system.

The Resource Management Strategy, by including separate collection of yard waste, food waste, and soiled paper, as well as the alternative to collect these materials in waste loads and recover them in a pre-processing system, successfully addressed the California Public Resources Code requirement that "all feasible source reduction, recycling, and composting measures" are implemented prior to approving any new "transformation" facility. This planning effort also provided a basis for greenhouse gas reduction analysis consistent with statewide initiatives to reduce landfill disposal.

As of Spring 2009, the JPA is implementing improvements to its MRF recommended by the Strategy, for reducing MRF residue. Also, the JPA is monitoring two food waste composting pilot projects being conducted at two regional facilities, while promoting the use of the commercial scale composting facility to commercial landscapers and other generators of commercial yard waste.

JPA Administrator John Davis made a presentation on this important project at the North American Waste-to-Energy Conference held May 18-20, 2009 in Chantilly, VA. John Roderique, GBB Vice President, will present the project at the SWANA Landfill Symposium and Planning & Management Conference to be held June 1-4, 2009, in Savannah, GA.

Related Web Links:

>> Press Release
>>Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority's Website

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GBB to Provide C&D Recycling Consulting for North Carolina's Mid-Currituck Bridge Project

The North Carolina Turnpike Authority selected the Currituck Development Group (CDG) for the development of the Mid-Currituck Bridge project, a new 7-mile bridge in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. As part of the CDG, GBB will provide construction waste and demolition debris (C&D) recycling consulting services for the project.

One of the project's goals is to find a use, either on-site or elsewhere, for the C&D generated by the project. GBB will inventory the origin, type and quantities of all waste materials projected to be generated, including buildings, vehicles, and road materials to be removed. A specific waste management plan, including reuse/recycling opportunities and/or in some limited cases, disposal requirements, will be developed for each primary constituent material.

"GBB will also evaluate all construction materials needed for the project and incorporate on-site C&D materials wherever feasible," noted Bob Brickner, GBB Executive Vice President. "Typical examples include the grinding and processing of old concrete and asphalt materials into spec materials for reuse as base aggregate materials and/or Recycled Asphalt Pavement that can be easily incorporated into roadways, bike paths, walkways, and parking areas."

In addition, GBB will seek to reduce local stockpiles of recycled materials when and where it is feasible to do so. Being familiar with C&D processors in eastern North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia, the team will pursue opportunities to use third-party-generated recycled materials for various aspects of the project.

Related Web Links:

>> Press Release
>> Bob Brickner's bio
Selected GBB C&D Project Experience

Quality - Value - Ethics

Turning Your Challenges
Into Success Stories!

(c) 2009 - Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc.